different personalities

We meet a lot of people in our life. Every person is unique in one way or the other. Everyone has their own personality, which is determined by many factors.
We have a lot of words that describe all kinds and sorts of people, including terms for self interest, reactions to the world, attitude towards others, skill and awkwardness, marital status and many more.

Let’s have a look at these words that best describe the different personality types, one of which might by chance be your very own –

  • An egoist

A person who is supremely selfish. Every decision he makes is based on the answer to one question- ‘What’s in it for me?’. His selfishness, greed and ruthless desire for self advancement always hurt other people.

  • An egotist

A person who always talks about himself. He thinks that he is an expert at practically everything. He has only one string to his conversational bow, that is, himself. He always talks of things like what he thinks, what he has done, how good he is, how would he solve the problems of the world, etc.

  • An egomaniacal

A person who is excessively obsessed with one’s own needs, desires or ambitions.

  • An egocentric

A person who is utterly involved with oneself, who is self – centered.

  • An altruist

A person who has discovered the secret of true happiness – concerning himself with the welfare of others. He is more interested in the welfare of others than his own.

  • An introvert

 A person who seems unsocial, but his greatest desire is to be liked and accepted. He may be shy and quiet, often moody and unhappy. He prefers loneliness or at most the company of one person to a crowd. He is uncomfortable engaging in activities that require cooperation with other people.

  • An extrovert

A person who is usually happy, full of high spirits and loves to be with people – lots of people. His thoughts, interests and whole personality are turned outwards. He never worries about the effect of his actions, never inhibits himself with doubts about dignity.

  • An ambivert

A person who has both introverted and extroverted tendencies – at different times and different occasions. His interests are equally turned inwards and outwards. Indeed, he is quite normal.

  • A misanthrope

A person who hates everyone, except himself. He hates people and being around them.

  • A misogynist

A person who hates all women. Maybe because in past, he was sometime wounded by a woman. So he carefully constructs a defense against further hurt.

  • A misogamist

A person who hates marriage. The ties that bind are too binding for him. He believes that a commitment is more meaningful if freedom is available, but without marriage.

  • An ascetic

A person who lives a lonely life. He does not pursue pleasures of the flesh. He believes in simplest food and the least amount of it that will keep body and soul together, without any earthly pleasures, and will eventually lead to spiritual perfection.

  • Dexterous

A person who is skillful.

  • Ambidextrous

A person who is able to use both hands with equal skill.

  • Bigamy

An unlawful state of having more than one spouse.

  • Polygamy

A social custom of plural marriages.
Polygynist is a male with many wives.
Polyandrist is a female with many husbands.

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