Health is the most important thing in an individual’s life. Without a good health, we can’t be happy. Material things come and go but our health is above everything else. You can have all the money, fame and education, but if you get sick every second day and if you are not fit – what is the use of all the money and fame?

A good health is the most important ingredient to living a happy life. The definition of good health varies from person to person. For some, it means a disease free life and being in shape for the others. But a good health refers to staying fit physically as well as mentally. You need to be fit from outside as well as from inside. It means that your body should be fit from outside and energetic from inside. Whenever you need your body, it should support you. This support is only possible if you are physically as well as mentally healthy.

A healthy lifestyle is more than exercising and eating. It is not a temporary fix, but a permanent lifestyle change. Once these changes become your habits, you will realize the value of your health and will start loving your life.  A healthy lifestyle not only improves the quality of your life but also adds years to it. You don’t have to make lots of big changes to improve your health. All you have to do is to make small changes in your lifestyle if you want to live a healthy life.

People always decide to change, they set their goals for a healthy life, but they don’t know where to start from. They don’t know what changes they need to make in their daily routine that can lead to a happy and healthy life.
Here are the tips that can help you get started –


A nutritious and a balanced diet is the foundation of a good health. Having the right food is the solution to all our health problems. Dieting does not mean starving yourself. It should provide all the nutrients that our body needs to function properly. It maintains and improves our overall health. It should consist of all the macronutrients like proteins, carbohydrates and fats along with the micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.

Our diet also depends on our individual goals – whether we want to lose weight or build our muscles. Never skip your breakfast.  It provides energy to work throughout the day. It should include protein and high fiber rich foods. Have five – six small meals in a day. Avoid the consumption of junk food and cold drinks. They are the biggest enemy of our health. Understand what do we need to eat to maintain a balance between our mind and body.


Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Do not be a couch potato.  Start your day with some physical exercise. Exercising keeps our body as well as our mind fit. You don’t have to hit the gym and use weights. You can even go for a walk, jogging, cycling or practice yoga at home. Use stairs instead of elevators.
It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you are moving. Make exercise a part of your daily routine just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. To be active, you only need to find the right activity, set goals for yourself and find the right sources of motivation to keep you going.


Stress is a natural part of life, but we need to eliminate stress in order to live a happy and healthy life. Stress is the common cause of many diseases. It not only makes us mentally weak but also harms our body. Stress can be due to our work, relationships, money or any other factor. It affects our thinking, behavior as well as body functioning.

All you need to do is build up your emotional strength and be in control of your situation. Have a positive outlook towards life. Love what you do. Appreciate the things that you have. Stop worrying about tomorrow’s troubles. Live in the present, enjoy your life and make the most of it.


The amount of water that we consume in a day plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body. We all know that 70% of the human body is water. It keeps the body well hydrated, which is required by the body to function properly. Water not only helps in digestion, it also aids weight loss and flushes out toxins from our body. Drink at least 10 glasses of water every day. Stay hydrated. Stay healthy.


Smoking and drinking are the habits that slowly damage our body. They both cause life-threatening damage to the body. It causes severe diseases that affect many body organs like brain, heart, liver and lungs. In fact, it reduces the lifespan. Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker, but also for the people who inhale that smoke. Therefore, there should be a control on drinking and smoking and over consumption needs to be avoided as it affects in a dangerous way.


Sleep is very important as it gives rest to our mind and body. Not only it helps to combat depression but also reduces the release of stress hormones. Always have 7 – 8 hours of quality sleep every day. Just as being active is important for our health, in the same way, rest is also important.
As it is rightly said – Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.





All of us have our own dreams in our life. All of us dream about success and we spend the entire life working for it. But does everyone achieve success? Does everyone reach the goals that they work for?

Well, not everyone is able to reach their goals. There are many reasons behind this. There is no magic formula for achieving success. You need to move in the right direction and follow the right path to achieve your goals.

We are providing you with a few golden rules that will surely help you in reaching your goals and achieve success in life.


Do you know what you want to achieve in your life? Are you clear about your main aim in your life? If you want to succeed, you need to set your goals. Without goals, you lack focus and direction. If we don’t know our final destination, how will we know which path do we have to follow. So, before working, set up an aim in your life and then work for it.


What you speak in front of others is not important. But what is important is, what you speak to yourself. When you are alone, whatever thoughts you have in your mind, is what actually happens. Because your level of actions is determined by your thoughts. Always believe in your abilities. What you believe is what you achieve. Always repeat to yourself – I can and I will.


Never be idle. This doesn’t mean keeping yourself physically busy. But, never let you mind become idle without purpose. Do anything you like. You can read books or engage yourself in some brain storming activities. Get new ideas. Bring out new thoughts. Always remember an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. So don’t let your mind cultivate negative thoughts.


Learn from your mistakes. Mistakes are a proof that you are trying. The more you fail and improve, the better person you become. Keep working towards your goal. Winners are not those who never fail, but winners are those who fail again and again, learn from their mistakes and perform better to achieve their goals. Winners never quit. Failure is not an option. Failures are the stepping stones to success. Failures are a part of life. If you don’t fail, you don’t learn and if you don’t learn, you will never change. Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up on your dreams.  


Whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. All you have to do is let go of the past. You can’t start the next chapter of life if you keep re – reading the last one. Don’t stop. Never let your ego control you. Keep moving and keep growing. Work beyond your goals.


Your attitude towards your career is what helps you to take it to the next level. Always keep a positive attitude towards life. Train your mind to see the good in every situation. A positive attitude always leads to positive outcomes. It gives you the power to overcome your problems. You may not be able to control every situation and its outcome, but you can control your attitude and how you deal with it.


Always focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. Success is achieved by developing your strengths, not by eliminating your weaknesses. Focus on being the best version of yourself. Never let anyone take advantage of your weakness. Keep your mind focused and always have faith in your abilities. Nobody is good at everything, but everybody is good at something. Find and focus on your strengths.


A happy mind leads to a happy life. Be happy, no matter what. Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. Focus on things you have and reasons you should be happy. Stop worrying about what you have to lose and start focusing on what you have to gain. The secret of being happy is accepting your life and making the most out of it. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.


Always be honest and transparent. Keep your intentions good. Even if you don’t have good communication skills, but your intentions are good, it will be clearly visible in your eyes. Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure. You’ve got to be honest with yourself too and decide where you are and where you want to be. Trust yourself. Be honest with yourself. Just give your best and it’s all going to work out.


live a happy life



Despite of all the scientific advancements that we have made over the past few centuries, we still have not figured out the formula for a happy life. Most of us spend a great part of our lives looking for happiness and satisfaction at wrong place and activities. That is because we usually attach happiness to money, fame and other benefits. We mistakenly think that these benefits are all that we need to live a happy life. We have heard about a lot of people who have all the fame and money that anyone can dream of, but are not happy in their lives. If you travel anywhere around the world, you will find that all the people you meet have this trait in common, they all want to be happy people.

Success is getting what you want but happiness is wanting what you get. Everyone needs to know that happiness is not an external factor. You are going to be happy if you accept yourself, if you love what you do and if you feel fulfilled.

Money and fame are not the recipes of a happy life. So, what is the key to live a happy and fulfilling life? What are the secrets of a happy life? Here, we are giving you six things that you can do to live a more happy life.


Sometimes when you wake up, it’s hard to really appreciate everything as you think of the day to day struggles – what’s going on in your family, at your work place, with you or your health. Don’t take everything for granted. Consider that you have a good family, a good job, a house to live, food on your table every day, clothes to cover your body and your loved ones to support you. Never take these things for granted.

You need to understand that the essence of life is to appreciate because when you appreciate things, you will always get more of it. Be grateful for whatever you have. Appreciate the things that you have instead of thinking about the ones that you don’t and you will be a lot happier. Appreciate life even if it’s not perfect. Happiness is not fulfillment of what we wish for, but an appreciation of what we have.


You have to be thankful for what you have, but you don’t have to be complaining about what you don’t have. Stop complaining. Stop criticizing. Start being thankful. When you do this, you will find that your appreciation will help you to be happier in your life. If you don’t like something, change it. Change your attitude. Do not complain. Happiness comes a lot easier when you stop complaining about your problems and you start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have.


At times, the problem is not with our surroundings. Happiness in life is not about how things are going for us, it’s about whether or not they are going better than expected. So that means, if we are not happy, all we need to do is to change our expectations, specifically lower them.

Whenever we expect something from our life, work or our loved ones and the expectations are not fulfilled, we usually get disappointed. Don’t expect things to happen. It’s better to feel surprised, than be disappointed. When you release expectations, you are free to enjoy things for what they are, instead of what you think they should be.


Search your intentions. Search your motto. Ask yourself – am I really pursuing this goal with the right mind? Am I really loving the people that I am serving? Am I really giving back in compassion?

Search your heart and ask yourself it these are the things that are required to push you to the next level. Take a moment everyday and think about your intentions. Love people but search your heart before you do. Do what your heart desires. Never hold back a thing and don’t worry about what others think. Because at the end of the day, what makes you happy is what really matters the most.


Happy people do what they enjoy and enjoy what they do – and don’t do it for money or fame. There is no point being stuck in a job you hate just because the money is good. People forget that they are allowed to be happy at work too. Many people spend the best years of their lives trying to make money, sacrificing their health and family and later they spend the same money they made working trying to recover their lost health and family. Don’t dwell on the past, on things that went wrong. Live for now, have positive mindsets. Don’t be afraid to step back and re-evaluate your goals.


The most selfish one letter word is I. Everything revolves around I. I stands for expectations. We are all living a life of super high expectations. Our life constantly revolves around – my likes, my dislikes, my desires, my opinions, etc.

From our childhood, we have only learnt to take and everyone has to fulfill our expectations. The more we lead a life of I, the more frustrated the I will be. People in the world don’t exist to fulfill our expectations. Try to serve others. Learn to begin your journey from I to YOU. The more you want for yourself, you will remain frustrated. The more you will give, the happier you will be.


boost you brain


Did you just forget the name of the person you met last night? Or left your phone in your car? Or forgot the items on your grocery list? Well, you are not alone. It happens with almost everyone occasionally. At times we feel as we age, our mind and memory don’t work like they used to. Is there any way to boost or memory?
Well, the answer to this question is YES.

Everyday our brain grows new cells and forms new neural connections, if it is provided with what it needs. Brain is the most powerful organ of the human body. It can turn out to be the most dangerous organ as well, if not fed well.

Our brain’s ability to grow and to get better throughout our lifetime is called neuroplasticity. Our daily habits and lifestyle greatly influence the working of our brain and memory.

Here are a few tips that you need to incorporate into your daily life to improve your brain power and sharpen your memory –


brain booster food

A nutritious and well-balanced diet is the foundation of a good health. Treat your brain with the highest quality fuel. You are what you eat. Just as our body is 70% water, in the same way our brain is 60% fat. It should be fed with healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Following are the top 3 foods that can help to improve your memory –

  • Seeds

Chia seeds and flax seeds are the top 2 seeds. They are high in omega-3, rich in fibre and anti-oxidants. Take 2 spoons of these seeds in a day to boost your brain power.

  • Nuts

Almonds and walnuts are the top 2 nuts. They are loaded with omega-3 and are easily digestible. They are also heart healthy. Take a serving of 28 grams of these nuts in a day.

  • Spinach

Free radicals are produced in our body that damage DNA and grow cancer cells. Spinach damages these free radicals. It is also anti-inflammatory. Always prefer eating raw spinach.

Some other food items that can be included in the diet are beans, quinoa, oats, broccoli, avocado and coconut oil.


regular exercise

We all know that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. To keep our brain healthy, we need to keep our body fit. Exercise increases our heart rate which increases the supply of oxygen to the brain, thus keeping the memory sharp.
Exercise also stimulates the growth of new connections between brain cells. Exercise does not only mean hitting the gym and working with weights, but a simple morning walk, jogging or sprinting  can also keep our brain healthy. Having an active lifestyle is an investment for our future, both mentally and physically.


Always keep your brain active. Play brainstorming games. Brain workout is as important as a physical workout. Do crossword puzzles, solve Sudoku, read or play cards, play chess, juggling, etc. Challenge your brain. People who are mentally active have better memory as they age.


It is during sleep that our brain repairs itself and firms up the memories of recently acquired information. Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep daily. Even naps count. It helps to combat depression and also reduces the release of stress hormones. If you have trouble in sleeping, drink a cup of warm milk a half hour before hitting the bed.


Multitasking means performing different things at the same time. When we are juggling with too many things at the same time, we are bound to forget. The brain never multitasks, it’s only the body that does it. The brain just switches its focus from one thing to another. That is why, it is always difficult to read a book while talking to someone else. Although it saves time, but also decreases our productivity. Always focus on one task at a time to improve your performance.


Never keep your things in a mess. If you keep your things in their proper place after every use, it will be easy for the brain to locate them the next time. Always have a habit of writing. Jot down the important tasks for the next day on a piece of paper and put them up at places like your dressing table, wardrobe or your refrigerator, so that it reminds you of the task the next day when you use these things.


An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. Engage yourself in purposeful and meaningful activities. Stop being a lazy lad. Involve yourself in activities that are mentally stimulating. Master a new skill. Learn a new language. Learn new dance moves, playing musical instruments. Keep yourself busy by reading a book, cooking, gardening, listening to music, etc. Develop a hobby.

Follow these tasks in your daily life. They will definitely help you to improve your memory and upgrade your performance.



different personalities

We meet a lot of people in our life. Every person is unique in one way or the other. Everyone has their own personality, which is determined by many factors.
We have a lot of words that describe all kinds and sorts of people, including terms for self interest, reactions to the world, attitude towards others, skill and awkwardness, marital status and many more.

Let’s have a look at these words that best describe the different personality types, one of which might by chance be your very own –

  • An egoist

A person who is supremely selfish. Every decision he makes is based on the answer to one question- ‘What’s in it for me?’. His selfishness, greed and ruthless desire for self advancement always hurt other people.

  • An egotist

A person who always talks about himself. He thinks that he is an expert at practically everything. He has only one string to his conversational bow, that is, himself. He always talks of things like what he thinks, what he has done, how good he is, how would he solve the problems of the world, etc.

  • An egomaniacal

A person who is excessively obsessed with one’s own needs, desires or ambitions.

  • An egocentric

A person who is utterly involved with oneself, who is self – centered.

  • An altruist

A person who has discovered the secret of true happiness – concerning himself with the welfare of others. He is more interested in the welfare of others than his own.

  • An introvert

 A person who seems unsocial, but his greatest desire is to be liked and accepted. He may be shy and quiet, often moody and unhappy. He prefers loneliness or at most the company of one person to a crowd. He is uncomfortable engaging in activities that require cooperation with other people.

  • An extrovert

A person who is usually happy, full of high spirits and loves to be with people – lots of people. His thoughts, interests and whole personality are turned outwards. He never worries about the effect of his actions, never inhibits himself with doubts about dignity.

  • An ambivert

A person who has both introverted and extroverted tendencies – at different times and different occasions. His interests are equally turned inwards and outwards. Indeed, he is quite normal.

  • A misanthrope

A person who hates everyone, except himself. He hates people and being around them.

  • A misogynist

A person who hates all women. Maybe because in past, he was sometime wounded by a woman. So he carefully constructs a defense against further hurt.

  • A misogamist

A person who hates marriage. The ties that bind are too binding for him. He believes that a commitment is more meaningful if freedom is available, but without marriage.

  • An ascetic

A person who lives a lonely life. He does not pursue pleasures of the flesh. He believes in simplest food and the least amount of it that will keep body and soul together, without any earthly pleasures, and will eventually lead to spiritual perfection.

  • Dexterous

A person who is skillful.

  • Ambidextrous

A person who is able to use both hands with equal skill.

  • Bigamy

An unlawful state of having more than one spouse.

  • Polygamy

A social custom of plural marriages.
Polygynist is a male with many wives.
Polyandrist is a female with many husbands.


become an effective teacher


The value of a teacher is very important in everyone’s life. The process of learning is incomplete without an effective teacher. It is a teacher who shows us the right path and the right direction to achieve our goals. A teacher is a child’s second mother. But the word ‘teacher’ is not only confined to the buildings of a school, but it is also applicable to each and every parent.

When a child is small, his home is his first school and his parents his first teachers. As it is said, charity begins at home. Similarly, for a child, learning begins at home. The knowledge of good and bad, right and wrong, almost each and everything is given to a child by his parents. So, if we talk about becoming a good teacher, it means we are talking about parents as well.

If a teacher is not performing his duties towards his students properly, then it will never serve the purpose of learning.

When a child grows up and becomes successful, he remembers only a few of his teachers. Why is it so? Why not all the teachers? What is it that makes a teacher- the best?

There are a few qualities that make a good teacher different from others. Even the parents should imbibe these qualities in them while teaching there children.

Let’s have a look at few of these qualities –


Friendship is the first step of any relationship. Whether we talk about a teacher – student relationship or a parent – child relationship, the presence of friendliness is a must. We can only get to know about a child by being his friend as it makes the child comfortable to discuss his problems and queries.
But there is a limit to everything.  There should be a limit of this friendship too. This fine line should never be crossed by the teacher, otherwise the students lose the respect that they have for their teachers.


The most essential quality for being a good teacher is having patience. You should never give up on your child. Treat them as your own kids. If they are not performing well today, they will learn and succeed slowly and gradually. Never get irritated and lose your calm if a child asks many questions. Rather, welcome such children with a smile who are always keen to learn something new.


Children always imitate their teachers and parents. They always repeat what they see their teachers and parents doing. Make sure that you always have a positive attitude and that you are not doing anything wrong that can leave a bad impression on your child. Become their idol and solve all their problems so as to retain their trust in you.


Children know their goals but they don’t know the right direction to reach their goals. A teacher should always show the right path and boost their confidence. You should never demotivate your child. You should rather tell him the importance of failure in the journey of success. Always motivate and encourage your child to try and try until he succeeds as perseverance is bitter, but its fruits are sweet.


A teacher’s job is not only to speak, but also to listen. You always be available to your children to listen to their problems. Always be kind to them. Never let a child lose the trust he has in you. Always listen to their ideas and thoughts and appreciate them so they can always come up to you with their ideas or problems without any hesitation.


 Learning does not only mean learning from the books, but it also includes learning about the moral values. A teacher should always give lessons about life to his students. Even parents should inculcate these values in their children right from the early childhood. Moral stories can be told to the students. A teacher should always focus on value based teaching.


Always believe in your children. Never lose hope or discourage them. You are there with them to motivate them and help them achieve their goals. if you will lose the belief in your child, then the child will also lose the belief in himself.

A teacher is like a ship that helps us to sail across the ocean of struggles and reach the island of success. Always become a good teacher and help your child to perform his best in his life and becoming a better person. Always remember that there is no age for learning.

Keep learning and keep teaching. Be in touch with our blog. Bring these qualities in yourself and become an effective teacher.