Read the following sentences:
Please give me my book.
Please give me my books.
In the first sentence, the noun book stands for only one thing. We say that book is in the singular number.
The nouns book, pen, chair, cow, tree are in singular number.
In the second sentence, the noun books stands for more than one thing. We say the books is in the plural number.
The nouns books, pens, chairs, cows, trees are in plural number.
A noun standing for one person, animal, place or thing is said to be in the singular number.
A noun standing for more than one person, animal, place or thing is said to be in plural number.
There are many rules to change singular nouns to plural.
Let’s have a look at some of these rules:
1. To form plurals of most nouns, we only add –s to the singular.
Singular Plural
ball balls
bird birds
book books
boy boys
cow cows
eye eyes
horse horses
house houses
kite kites
lamp lamps
table tables
tree trees
window windows
year years
2. Nouns that end with s, ss, sh, ch and x (that end in a hissing sound) form their plural by adding –es to the singular.
Singular Plural
bus buses
gas gases
class classes
glass glasses
brush brushes
dish dishes
bench benches
match matches
box boxes
fox foxeS
3. Some nouns that end in o form their plural by adding –es to the singular.
Singular Plural
buffalo buffaloes
hero heroes
mosquito mosquitoes
potato potatoes
tomato tomatoes
( Exception- photo – photos)
4. Nouns that end in –f or –fe generally form their plural by changing the f and fe to ves.
Singular Plural
knife knives
leaf leaves
leaf leaves
loaf loaves
thief thieves
wife wives
wolf wolves
( Exception- roof – roofs )
5. Some nouns ending in –y form their plural by changing the y to ies.
Singular Plural
army armies
baby babies
country countries
diary diaries
fly flies
story stories
· But if the final y comes just after a vowel, the plural is formed by simply adding –s to the singular.
Singular Plural
boy boys
day days
monkey monkeys
toy toys
6. Some nouns do not follow any of the rules given. So we need to keep in mind their singular and plural.
Singular Plural
man men
woman women
man men
woman women
child children
ox oxen
foot feet
fish fish
(fishes, when different kinds are involved)
tooth teeth
(fishes, when different kinds are involved)
tooth teeth
goose geese
mouse mice
sheep sheep
deer deer
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