Health is the most important thing in an individual’s life. Without a good health, we can’t be happy. Material things come and go but our health is above everything else. You can have all the money, fame and education, but if you get sick every second day and if you are not fit – what is the use of all the money and fame?

A good health is the most important ingredient to living a happy life. The definition of good health varies from person to person. For some, it means a disease free life and being in shape for the others. But a good health refers to staying fit physically as well as mentally. You need to be fit from outside as well as from inside. It means that your body should be fit from outside and energetic from inside. Whenever you need your body, it should support you. This support is only possible if you are physically as well as mentally healthy.

A healthy lifestyle is more than exercising and eating. It is not a temporary fix, but a permanent lifestyle change. Once these changes become your habits, you will realize the value of your health and will start loving your life.  A healthy lifestyle not only improves the quality of your life but also adds years to it. You don’t have to make lots of big changes to improve your health. All you have to do is to make small changes in your lifestyle if you want to live a healthy life.

People always decide to change, they set their goals for a healthy life, but they don’t know where to start from. They don’t know what changes they need to make in their daily routine that can lead to a happy and healthy life.
Here are the tips that can help you get started –


A nutritious and a balanced diet is the foundation of a good health. Having the right food is the solution to all our health problems. Dieting does not mean starving yourself. It should provide all the nutrients that our body needs to function properly. It maintains and improves our overall health. It should consist of all the macronutrients like proteins, carbohydrates and fats along with the micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.

Our diet also depends on our individual goals – whether we want to lose weight or build our muscles. Never skip your breakfast.  It provides energy to work throughout the day. It should include protein and high fiber rich foods. Have five – six small meals in a day. Avoid the consumption of junk food and cold drinks. They are the biggest enemy of our health. Understand what do we need to eat to maintain a balance between our mind and body.


Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Do not be a couch potato.  Start your day with some physical exercise. Exercising keeps our body as well as our mind fit. You don’t have to hit the gym and use weights. You can even go for a walk, jogging, cycling or practice yoga at home. Use stairs instead of elevators.
It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you are moving. Make exercise a part of your daily routine just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. To be active, you only need to find the right activity, set goals for yourself and find the right sources of motivation to keep you going.


Stress is a natural part of life, but we need to eliminate stress in order to live a happy and healthy life. Stress is the common cause of many diseases. It not only makes us mentally weak but also harms our body. Stress can be due to our work, relationships, money or any other factor. It affects our thinking, behavior as well as body functioning.

All you need to do is build up your emotional strength and be in control of your situation. Have a positive outlook towards life. Love what you do. Appreciate the things that you have. Stop worrying about tomorrow’s troubles. Live in the present, enjoy your life and make the most of it.


The amount of water that we consume in a day plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body. We all know that 70% of the human body is water. It keeps the body well hydrated, which is required by the body to function properly. Water not only helps in digestion, it also aids weight loss and flushes out toxins from our body. Drink at least 10 glasses of water every day. Stay hydrated. Stay healthy.


Smoking and drinking are the habits that slowly damage our body. They both cause life-threatening damage to the body. It causes severe diseases that affect many body organs like brain, heart, liver and lungs. In fact, it reduces the lifespan. Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker, but also for the people who inhale that smoke. Therefore, there should be a control on drinking and smoking and over consumption needs to be avoided as it affects in a dangerous way.


Sleep is very important as it gives rest to our mind and body. Not only it helps to combat depression but also reduces the release of stress hormones. Always have 7 – 8 hours of quality sleep every day. Just as being active is important for our health, in the same way, rest is also important.
As it is rightly said – Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.